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How do I apply for the USMLE?
To apply for USMLE examinations, you must read the USMLE Bulletin of Information and submit an application through your registration entity.
What is the cost of the USMLE exams?
Information about the cost of the exams is available on the websites of the appropriate registration entities. To learn more, visit the registration website of the appropriate organization (dependent on your medical school and the Step for which you are applying).
Is there a fee for changing my appointment?
A fee may be charged if you change your appointment, depending on how much notice you provide. See the appointment change fee schedule for more information.
Am I allowed to bring water into my exam?
Yes, water is permissible in a clear container. Explore other test-taker FAQs about Prometric.
Where can I obtain a copy of the USMLE Bulletin of Information?
The USMLE Bulletin can be found at USMLE.org/bulletin. You have the option of viewing the Bulletin online or downloading a PDF file.
How do I update my contact information (email, mailing address, phone number) or register a name change?
Go to the website of your registration entity to submit a name change request and/or obtain the form for completing the change, or to request a change to contact information. Supporting document is required for a name change request.
Why did the policy on attempt limits change?
The USMLE Composite Committee, the governing body of USMLE, considers all aspects of the examination as they work to ensure that the program fulfills its mission to support medical licensing authorities in the United States. The committee voted to change the number of allowed attempts to protect the integrity of the exam and to more closely match the USMLE attempt limits imposed by the majority of state medical boards.
Do the Steps have to be taken at particular points during my medical education and career?
You must pass Step 1 and Step 2 before you are eligible to take Step 3. In LCME-accredited medical schools, although Step 1 and Step 2 can be taken in any order, most students will take Step 1 at the end of their second year and Step 2 in their fourth year; Step 3 is usually taken during the first or second year of postgraduate training.
Students and graduates of medical schools outside the United States and Canada should contact the ECFMG for information on ECFMG Certification and Step 1 and Step 2 eligibility.
Most medical licensing authorities require completion of USMLE Steps 1, 2, and 3 within a seven-year period, which begins when you pass your first Step. Check the FSMB website for further information on such requirements.